Thursday, March 22, 2012


We thank the Lord that our oldest two children got baptized this afternoon by Lee.  Lee has a great poem on baptism, so I am going to share it!

Water of Life
Before things were formed and void was the earth...
The spirit of the Lord moved upon me, and I water gave birth.... (Gen.1:2)
In the beginning as corruption and violence filled the earth..
God sent me forth in a great flood to baptize the earth... (Gen. 7)
I water was there to save those precious elect eight.....
I was a shadow of things to come, the opening of a new gate....
When God rescued his people from the hand of the Egyptian king...
By the parting of the water they were baptized unto Moses and there hearts began to sing.... (1Cor. 10:2)
They sang a new song of triumph and victory...
They had witnessed there salvation and there lives would never be the same....
I water, am one of the three that bear record in the earth ... ( 1John 5:8)
Take me out of the equation and you will see a great dearth.....
When the time drew nigh for paving the way for The Mighty Savior....
I water and repentance were the recipe for the sweet smelling savor.......( Matt. 3:6)
When you hear some say baptism is symbolic, a public confession at best...
Believe the words of the Lord Jesus to enter into his rest....
They say it's only water, what's all the fuss?
The Bible says: " the like figure whereunto even baptism does also now save us".......( 1 Peter 3:21)
Save your money sending rockets up to the galaxy.........
If I water am not present, no life will be.......
When Philip preached Jesus to the eunuch, his message concluded with me.... (Acts 8:36)
He responded with" see here's water what does hinder thee".....(Acts 8:36)
We know to see the Kingdom, we must be born again...( John 3:3)
Have you ever seen a birth without water? Marvel not my friend..

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