Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We were first individuals
Seeking out our own things
Until we got married
And then the  painting changed

We became one
And became more alike
With the same motivation
That everlasting life

Heirs together 
of the grace of life
Due benevolence for each other
Husband and wife

Not seeking each his own
But the cares of the other
A desire to be blameless and
A good father and mother

To train our children
The way they should go
To fill them with the Word
So God's love they'll know

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Voluntary Humility
The covering of Glory is hair so long and free.....
The covering of humility 
will bring you to your knees....
It will put you in reality, your life is not your own....
Covered in humility, let's the Glory of God be shown......
"Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that fears the Lord, she will be praised.....
You are the daughter of a King, his grace you so desire...
The Power of the Holy Ghost to lift you from the mire.....
Desiring to pray without ceasing, the testimony of Jesus Christ.....
Where else can I go, Lord you have the words of Eternal Life......
My beauty is for my husband, for Him and Him alone....
I am created to be His help meet, i am bone of his bones........
Christ is the Head of him and He is the Head of me.....
How can I dishonor my husband and think that I will have favor from thee??
"By Humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches, and honour, and life"........
I want to live forever Lord, please make me a virtuous wife!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Be kindly affectionate
Love like a brother
Giving up our will
Preferring one another

Do things first
That others want
Your desires can wait
Teach yourself to go last 
With a smile upon your face

Find the joy of going last
Of the King, you are taught
A lesson in patience
That with money can't be bought  

The King who came to earth,
Not to sit in an earthly castle
Acting like he was better than others
That was not his battle

He surely sat with the sinners
Who he was sent to save
If there was not a seat
His spot he would've gave

The perfect picture of humility
Was Jesus on this earth
We can be like him
If we experience a new birth


Monday, April 22, 2013

Joy cometh in the morning,
It cometh in the night,
Joy is in everything
To those who have seen the Light

He teaches you to love
Those who show you hate
They cannot understand 
Your joy they cannot take

The joy is in the little things
It is in the way you see
Each trial that comes before you
The joy will set you free

You need not worry about this and that, your life is in His hands
Allowing him to direct your paths, following his commands

You'll find joy at every corner,
In things you don't expect
He uses every trial
To make you circumspect

It was because he love us first
That we also must love him
He is the joy that created us
We must give up this life for Him!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

She was just a harlot
But The truth she did know
She hid the secret spies
A fear of God she showed

Her family got the benefit
Of her secret deed
While those around her perished
God presrved her seed

What does this story mean to us
That happened so long ago?
When God destoys a city
What will happen to your home?

Will there be a scarlet cord Protecting  those that are in your care
Will your home alone be saved
I wonder how you'll fare

You can help your destiny 
 by fighting every day
Seek the Lord with all your heart
To idols, do not pray

As for me and my house
Joshua told the Israelites
The Lord we will serve
All day and all of the night

What this means to me
My hope and my desire
Is that when God returns
He'll find us still on fire


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Choose your words wisely

( Jephthae is mentioned in Hebrews 11 as a man of Faith)

The son of a harlot
Kicked out of his home
Then asked to defend them
He was not all alone

He knew the Lord
With him made a deal
The victory was his
First thing out of his house the seal

Not knowing it would be
His only child
His daughter, a virgin
The one at his side

She wailed for her virginity
With her closest friends
Her life was then offered
An untimely end

What was the lesson
For Jephthae this time
Choose your words wisely
Taste every line.

Friday, April 19, 2013

 In the midst of the sea,
Toiling and trying to row,
With contrary winds,
That seem continually to blow

He would have passed by,
Had they not out loud cried,
He went up with them in the ship,
And immediately the wind died (Mark 6:48-49)

I can't grab the helm
Nor think my hair white or black (Matthew 5:36)
Help me trust fully in You
And in faith have no lack (Mark 9:24)

I need you to join me
And whisper "Be not afraid" (Matthew 14:27)
Through all of the watches
Help me to be like unto soft clay

Mark 6:48-49

And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. 

 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. 

Matthew 5:36
Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.

Mark 9:24
And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

Matthew 14:27
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.